[cvsnt] Re: Merging a repository from Branch to Trunk

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Tue Sep 7 22:40:10 BST 2004

Herb Croken wrote:
> Ok, maybe I am doing something wrong. 
> Here is what I tried:
>  cvs upd -A -C
>  cvs -j'branchname' -jHEAD
> Nothing happened, so I did

A lot will have happened, unless there is no difference between the 
branch and HEAD.

>  cvs upd -jHEAD -j'branchname' 

That just reversed the process.

> Lots happened :) but 
>  cvs ci -m "message" failed with loads of conflicts

You shouldn't get conflicts on a two-revision -j (assuming the files are 
unmodified, which should be true after the first command).


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