[cvsnt] Re: Latest Updates

Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net
Thu Sep 16 23:43:38 BST 2004

[Oops, about that last incomplete post]

> You can commit to HEAD though...  That's what you're doing when there's
> no branch.  'cvs commit -r HEAD foo.txt' works too...
> Try:
> cvs update -r HEAD a.txt
> cvs status a.txt
> cvs commit -fm "test" a.txt

I only ever get:

cvs server: sticky tag `HEAD' for file `test.txt' is not a branch
cvs [server aborted]: correct above errors first!

Using CVSNT 2.0.51d. Maybe you've added something after that to make it

> It's the only one practical given the fact that changing the default
> branch isn't versioned.

Why not simply disallow changing the default branch then?
I know that I once used it to resolve some unwanted structures in the
repository and thought it was quite handy for that at the time but I'm
rather sure by now I would know better ways to do it, without changing the
default branch.

> TBH I'm not sure myself even how to change the default branch, and I've
> never had a need to do it.  That doesn't mean there aren't people who do
> it, but I doubt it's the norm.


> I've always referred to the 'HEAD branch' and so have a lot of other
> people, so it seems it's the common usage.

Actually there are just a few hits for "head branch" in the archives of this
NG... "head revision" however returns twice as many posts (and that is
counting in this thread as well)... >;)

However, using Google the matter's a different one. "Head branch" does
indeed appear to be quite common in the GNU CVS world... grmbl...

> It may not be the best name
> for it, but it's the name we're stuck with.


> Defining a different name for HEAD is one of those things that's on the
> wishlist (low priority I think though).

I don't want a different name for HEAD at all. I want it to remain exactly
what it is. I want a name for the trunk - something that from my POV does
currently not yet exist in the first place.


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JID:  ogiesen at jabber.org
ICQ:  18777742     (http://wwp.icq.com/18777742)

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