[cvsnt] Export very slow

Marty McDonald mcdonama at wsdot.wa.gov
Tue Sep 28 16:05:55 BST 2004

When we try to export code by tag out of CVSNT (using Tortoise), it often
takes an extremely long time.  Many times we'll just cancel the command,
then try again.  Sometimes it goes faster than other times.

We've established a pattern... If we try to export a tag that has not been
acquired in a long time, the export takes a very long time (about 2 to 3
minutes before it actually starts to export).  But if we immediately perform
export on that same tag again, response time is very fast.  "Export" and
"Checkout" both follow this same pattern.  Is there caching going on that we
could improve?  Defragging the device does not seem to help.
 Thanks  --Marty

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