[cvsnt] Switching Back and forth between branches

Siegfried Heintze siegfried at heintze.com
Thu Sep 30 22:17:52 BST 2004

OK, I finally have a temporary repository set up. I added some keywords in a
source code file. 


I import a directory with the -Cdn qualifier, make some changes, commit the
changes, and type "cvs tag main".

Then I type "cvs -r main -b branch"


Then I use emacs and make some changes and commit. The keywords now show I
am on branch "branch". Hurray!


Now I type 

"cvs update -d -r main"


I look at the source code and I see I'm back on the main branch. Everything
is going great!


Now I try to make some changes to the main branch and commit those changes
and I get this error: 

"cvs server: sticky tag main for file 'PseduoListBoxTest.cpp' is not a


How do I commit my changes to the main branch?




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