[cvsnt] can get pserver protocole working on XP

alain.bonnefoy at rieter.com alain.bonnefoy at rieter.com
Thu Apr 7 13:48:29 BST 2005

I think I well followed the instructions in 
http://www.devguy.com/fp/cfgmgmt/cvs/cvs_admin_nt.htm#PSERVERPROB but I 
that doesn't work.

>From the cvs client I get:
cvs [login aborted]: authorization failed: server frvaar6074 rejected 
access to /CVSRoot for user uvbona

but uvbona exists in /CVSRoot/passwd. 

I did 'cvs passwd -a uvbona with sspi and local protocol and it seems that 
the encripted string is different! normal?

I tried cvsservice -test and I get:

F:\>cvsservice -test
CVS 2.0.51d (Aug 19 2004) starting in test mode.
TEMP/TMP currently set to C:\Program Files\GNU\WinCvs 1.3\cvsnt\Temp
Initialising socket...ok
Impersonation is enabled
Starting auth server on port 2401/tcp...
Socket Failed (Handle=ffffffff Family=23,Socktype=1,Protocol=6): An 
incompatible address with the protocol has been used.  (not fatal)
Registering service SPN... failed (Error 8344)
CVS initialised successfully

Could you please tell me what is the problem?


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