[cvsnt] Same sandbox for cygwin and win32 (cvsnt)

Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net
Tue Apr 12 11:25:30 BST 2005

Gabriel Genellina wrote:

> > Is there a way to share a common sandbox between cygwin and win32?
> Since cygwin runs on Win32 the question has no sense...

Yes, it does. While Cygwin does run _on_ Win32 it does not act like a
Win32 app. I tend to think of it as an emulator. AFAIK mixing Cygwin
and CVSNT clients on the same sandbox is not a good idea. For instance,
last time I heard, Cygwin CVS checks out text files with Unix-style
linebreaks. If you check these files in with the CVSNT client you will
corrupt your repository files (or vice versa: commiting files with
Cygwin CVS that were checked out with CVSNT (i.e. CRLF)).

[Disclaimer: I have never used Cygwin myself. Everything I said is
based on hearsay and might well be entirely wrong.]


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JID:  ogiesen at jabber.org
ICQ:  18777742	(http://wwp.icq.com/18777742)

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