[cvsnt] Re: permissions 444;
Clóvis Garcia
clovis at phoebus.com.br
Thu Apr 14 13:02:21 BST 2005
Clóvis Garcia wrote:
> Tony Hoyle wrote:
>> Clóvis Garcia wrote:
>>> I have no AV on my server. Answer me a question: Is there a
>>> possibility of a new implementation of WinCvs been using this
>>> permission? This problem started to happen just after I´ve changed
>>> both WinCvs and cvsnt (local). Besides that I´ve noticed the changes
>>> in permission tag (old projects are all with permission with the
>>> value 666). I´ve already checked everything you said about watch,
>>> edit, ... but everythings is as it was supposed to be.
>> I create a few files with permissions of 444, and have been doing
>> various things with them... they always come back read/write as expected.
>> It's actually quite hard to create a read only permission line - it
>> implies someine edited a file, made it read only then committed it,
>> which is pretty rare (I'm not at all sure even that's enough to do
>> it). All the examples I had were from -kc and -kx tests which are
>> always read only anyway... took some hand editing to create a test set.
>> Tony
> I imported a new folder (TEST) with 2 TXT files, downloaded it in two
> different work directories. I changed one of the files in both
> directories, commited in one of them and tried to update the other. I´ve
> got this message:
> cvs -q -x update -P -- tips.txt (in directory X:\pos\TEST\)
> RCS file: /Pos/TEST/tips.txt,v
> retrieving revision 1.1
> retrieving revision 1.2
> Merging differences between 1.1 and 1.2 into tips.txt
> cvs [server aborted]: cannot create tips.txt for copying: Permission denied
> I tried the trace and I´ve got this message:
> cvs -t -t -t -q -x update -P -- tips.txt (in directory X:\pos\TEST\)
> \n (in directory X:\pos\TEST)
> -> Tracelevel set to 3. PID is 408
> -> Session ID is 198425e55404770
> -> main loop with CVSROOT=:sspi;username=clovis;hostname=
> -> Encryption enabled
> -> Requesting server cvsignore
> -> wrap_add(*.gif -kb, 0, 0)
> -> wrap_add(*.pdf -kb, 0, 0)
> -> wrap_add(*.bmp -kb, 0, 0)
> -> wrap_add(*.jpg -kb, 0, 0)
> -> wrap_add(*.jpeg -kb, 0, 0)
> -> wrap_add(*.png -kb, 0, 0)
> -> wrap_add(*.exe -kb, 0, 0)
> -> wrap_add(*.dll -kb, 0, 0)
> -> wrap_add(*.so -kb, 0, 0)
> -> wrap_add(*.a -kb, 0, 0)
> -> wrap_add(*.pdb -kb, 0, 0)
> -> wrap_add(*.lib -kb, 0, 0)
> -> wrap_add(*.o -kb, 0, 0)
> -> wrap_add(*.res -kb, 0, 0)
> -> wrap_add(*.class -kb, 0, 0)
> -> wrap_add(*.ogg -kb, 0, 0)
> -> wrap_add(*.mp3 -kb, 0, 0)
> -> Requesting server cvswrappers
> -> Requesting server cvsrc (read-cvsrc2)
> -> Parsing global cvsrc started
> -> Parsing global cvsrc finished
> cvs [update aborted]: Absolute pathname `X:\\pos\\TEST\\)
> ' not allowed
> Is this useful for you? Should I look for the problem with the cvsgui team?
> Thanks a lot,
> Clovis
After some commits I had the permissions changed to 71 and at this
moment the files started to be downloaded as read only.
date 2005.; author clovis; state Exp;
next 1.5;
deltatype text;
permissions 71;
commitid b88425e5b275ab6;
kopt kv;
filename @tips.txt@;
date 2005.; author clovis; state Exp;
next 1.4;
deltatype text;
permissions 644;
commitid 16e8425e5ad959b8;
kopt kv;
filename @tips.txt@;
date 2005.; author clovis; state Exp;
next 1.3;
deltatype text;
permissions 644;
commitid 149c425e5ab75949;
kopt kv;
filename @tips.txt@;
date 2005.; author clovis; state Exp;
next 1.2;
deltatype text;
permissions 644;
commitid 490425e5a9258d0;
kopt kv;
filename @tips.txt@;
date 2005.; author clovis; state Exp;
next 1.1;
deltatype text;
permissions 644;
commitid 1408425e50de3920;
kopt kv;
filename @tips.txt@;
date 2005.; author clovis; state Exp;
next ;
deltatype text;
permissions 644;
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