[cvsnt] Big problem.How to set up such CVS server ?

liuwei liuwei at xbow.com.cn
Wed Apr 20 09:11:42 BST 2005

1. uses the ext: connection format via ssh.

 2.The user permissions should be specified using the CVSROOT/access file.

 3 two kind of user:

     develeper user and customer user.

1)     How do I add a user?

2)     How do I set the customer user to have r/w permissions to the 
customer user directory and no access to the developer directory?

      3)     How do I grant a customer user access to only one directory 
within the developer tree with no read permissions to any other directories?

 I think 3-2 and 3-3 is very difficult.

I had try to use CVS chacl command to achieve 3-2 and 3-3.but fail.anyone 
still can checkout any modules.

Anyone can give me some tip?


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