[cvsnt] WinCVS .cvsignore

Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net
Thu Apr 21 13:07:32 BST 2005

John Flynn wrote:

> I cannot get wincvs (Version to recognise my
> .cvsignore file.
> I have place the .cvsignore file in the directory the
> the environemental variable HOME points to.

In order to be able to support multiple different configurations,
WinCvs does not read the HOME variable (though it should probably use
it as a default IMO). Instead you have to set the HOME folder on the
CVS tab of the  Admin|Preferences dialog.
Another thing to consider is what did you put inside your .cvsignore

Also note that besides the global .cvsignore you could also place
.cvsignore files in individual directories of your sandbox.

> How can I confirm that it is reading the files?

Ignored files should be displayed with a different icon and State text
and you should be able to toggle their visibility using the Show
Ignored file filter (View|File Filter|Show Ignored or the respective
toolbar button).

Hope this helps.

----  ------------------
JID:  ogiesen at jabber.org
ICQ:  18777742	(http://wwp.icq.com/18777742)

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