[cvsnt] Unmodified files committed when merging from a branch

jacob.alvarezbenedicto at telefonica.es jacob.alvarezbenedicto at telefonica.es
Fri Apr 22 08:43:56 BST 2005


Two weeks ago I merged one of the branches  we have, I will call it
BR1, with the HEAD branch.  Some files that were not modified in BR1
appeared as modified in HEAD after the merge.  I expected that these files
would not be commited, because cvs diff command returns no diferences at
all, but for my suprise, cvsnt committed them. Last week I know that if a
file timestamp is different from the one in the repository it may be marked
as modified, but when committing cvsnt will check the modifications, if
they don't exist cvsnt should not committ the file unless I specifiy that
option.  Why in the case of the merge this is not accomplished.  The
problem is not critic, but when merging I have to check if this rare case
arises to committ these files with a  message that indicates that the file
has not been chaned, so the repository will store revision that shouldn't.

These happens with a few files, our repository stores lots of files, but
only a few show this problem.  I have not found a connection between them
for now. Does somebody knows what the problem is?

I am using CVSNT 2.0.58d as server and WinCVS Beta 20 (build 2).

Thanks a lot.



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