[cvsnt] Re: CVS Use case

Matt Schuckmann matthew_schuckmann at amat.com
Fri Apr 22 17:37:06 BST 2005

"Glen Starrett" wrote in message
> Tags will work for either.  If you really want to know the state of the
> project in which the developer was testing, then he should tag the
> entire project so that snapshot will be known.

How would you make tags work? if you applied the tag across the entire
repository how would you make sure that your just tagging the changes
associated with the task at hand and not changes associated with other
fixes? Further more how would you checkout/create the new build without
writing a complicated script.

CVSNT doesn't naturally support applying tags to just the changed files, it
can be done but isn't encouraged. Furthermore how would you check out/create
a build with one or more tasks?

> Are you talking about the recommendation on tagging the branchpoint then
> each mergepoint (e.g. in the Cederqvist book)?  That isn't necessary
> with a CVSNT server, see:
> http://www.cvsnt.org/wiki/MergePoint

No I'm not worried about that, imo Merge Points are one of the best things
that could have been added to the tool. No I'm worried more about applying
8000 branch tags every time someone starts a new task, and possibly another
8000 tags if you apply a branch point tag which you still need if you want
to do a diff between the branch point and the branch tip (or write a script
to do it). We can break up the project to a limited amount but not much.
Maybe I'm being overly concerned here and it's really no big deal, it looks
like it takes about 10 min to tag all these files which isn't too bad.

> IMHO, branching is the absolutely BEST way to do what you're talking
> about.  It is isolated and yet you can still pick up the latest updates.
>   You can decide from a number of strategies, see:
> That is the Cederqvist book, chapter "Going Out On A Limb (How To Work
> With Branches And Survive)"
> Regarding item 5:  A possible scenario would be to have the developer
> work out on a branch.  Before they are ready for final review of the
> patch they would update from HEAD and tested themselves (they could have
> done so several times before without a problem).  When they are ready,
> they can create a diff of their branch to HEAD to get the net changes
> for that task.  Then the release coordinator can do the merging into
> HEAD (assuming you will be locking down HEAD for normal devs).

The problem I ran into with this has to do what your talking about. If you
merge from the trunk to the branch any files changed on the trunk since the
branch point will create new revisions on the branch for those files (I'm
calling these files and revisions Merge Artifacts) thus making it appear
that these files are part of the task associated with that branch, which in
fact isn't the case. Further more when you go to merge the branch back into
the trunk all of these Merge Artifacts create Merge Artifacts on the trunk
thus making it appear that these files have changed between builds when in
fact they haven't.  If a branch sits in development for a long time it could
collect quite a few Merge Artifacts. Now I could probably write a script to
prevent this from happening or we could try to identify these cases and
ignore them but that doesn't seem right, how have other people addressed

> Lots of people run in ways very similar to what you have described.
> CVSNT makes it fairly painless once you get a process in place and
> explain it to your developers.

That's the curx of the problem getting the process in place :)

Thanks for the input
Matt S.

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