[cvsnt] copy-merge

assaf assafs at prolify.com
Wed Apr 27 14:38:52 BST 2005

in the project i work in there is a need for a copy-merge feature for  
merging between branches.
the meaning of copy-merge is the following procedure:
1 - diff between the branches to find what is different between 
'destination' and 'source'.
2 - _*copy*_ from 'source' only files that are different on 
'destination' (thus taking the versions from 'source' as is without cvs 
3 - _*copy*_ to 'destination' and add to repository new files from 
'source' that are not yet in 'destination' (some new born files may 
exists in source).
4 - remove from 'destination' files that does not exist in 'source' anymore.

the main goal of this procedure is that if 'source' differ from 
'destination', make 'destination' same as 'source'.

does cvsnt's merge can achieve that or is there a need for a special 
script/macro ?


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