[cvsnt] In an authentication pickle

Joelle Tegwen tegwe002 at umn.edu
Fri Aug 5 17:08:17 BST 2005

What do I need to do to get help with this?

Joelle Tegwen wrote:

> I've sent out a couple of messages and I keep getting pulled to other 
> things, but I'm going to give it a shot again.
> I'm trying to authenticate between  MacCvsX (3.2-beta14) 
> http://wincvs.org/download.html#MACCVS and CVSNT. I use SSPI for my 
> Windows people. I'm using CVSNT 2.5.01 (Travis) Build 1976 (I know I'm 
> behind on upgrades, they just come out faster than I have the time to 
> upgrade stuff.)
> I asked about this before and (Tony?) suggested that I use gserver. 
> However MacCvsX doesn't support gserver as a protocol as far as I can 
> tell. It's got rhosts, kserver, and ssh.
> I did research on kserver and I saw that it was just as insecure as 
> pserver. rhosts looks like it's not supported by cvsNT because it's off 
> of rsh (although I could be wrong about that). Although if I would just 
> have to install some other software and could make that talk to cvsNT, 
> I'd be happy to do that.
> The other alternative is ssh which is supposed to be really hard to do.
> I've looked on the web and I haven't found anything that looks like an 
> answer to me (Although I might just not understand enough - most of this 
> is over my head.)
> I would appreciate any help possible. I'd like to make my boss happy 
> before September. :)
> Joelle
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