[cvsnt] Re: Repository Backup

Antoine TYNEVEZ atynevez at patrimoine.com
Wed Aug 17 09:34:21 BST 2005

Thanks a lot Gerhard for your answer.

It's quite cool to save everything :-)


Gerhard Fiedler a écrit :

>Antoine TYNEVEZ wrote:
>>>>Just a simple question, Is it a good thing to save all the repository
>>>>directory each time (with CVS admin files too) ? 
>>>I'm not sure what alternative you have in mind, but this is what I do.
>>Hi Gerhard, I was thinking about saving Java source file only.
>In case you lose your disk, you want to set up the repository as it was. If
>you have backed up everything under the repository root (including
>specifically the CVSROOT directory with the admin files), it's a simple
>matter of copying the complete repository backup to a new disk and pointing
>a cvsnt installation to the restored repository. 
>My CVSROOT directory is less than 2 MB, the rest of the repository is
>several GB. 2 MB is not enough to waste any thoughts about backing it up or
>not :)
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*Antoine Tynévez*
/Patrimoine Management & Technologies/

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