[cvsnt] Re: login to cvs using pserver

Miro Šimko miro.satan at gmail.com
Thu Dec 1 23:51:37 GMT 2005


I finally found where may be problem.
After running 'lusrmgr.msc' I got Unable to access the computer...
I used some registry cleaner and it did bad job as it seams...

Bo Berglund wrote:

>On Thu, 01 Dec 2005 21:54:42 +0100, Miro ©imko <miro.satan at gmail.com>
>>Thanks for input.
>>1. pserver is installed and running.
>>>cvs info
>>Available protocols:
>>local               (internal)
>>pserver             pserver 2.5.03 (Scorpio) Build 2151
>>2. I use one way of login when using protocol pserver( then /sklad is 
>>mapped to c:/cvs/repo/sklad),
>>when using local( no protocol?), I have to write full path( name /sklad 
>>doesn't work),
>>but it does not matter. I just show that my cvs repository is working.
>No, you don't show this. You just show that the cvs.exe program on
>your PC can process local files in the given path. When running
>:local: there is absolutely *no* connection at all done to the server,
>so it could in fact not exist or is shut down and it would still work!
>Local means that the local cvs.exe itself accesses the repository
>files and reads and writes them all by itself. As you might understand
>this is not a client/server scenario at all...
>>After solving the problem with that pserver protocol, I'll use just that 
>>one way.
>Take a look at my updated Installation Tips for CVSNT 2.5 and it might
>help you sort these things out:
>(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)
>cvsnt mailing list
>cvsnt at cvsnt.org

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