[cvsnt] cvsnt server: Pre-tag check failed

sandy sandeepsirsgi at bluebottle.com
Wed Dec 7 10:08:40 GMT 2005


I am new to CVS.
My requirement Only CVS admin should be allowed to delete the tag.

1. The CVSROOT/admin file includes sandeep as admin.
2. Taginfo contains


3. verifytag.pl contains

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

my $admin ="sandeep";

my $go_flag = 0;
my $tag = shift @ARGV;
my $operation = shift @ARGV;
my $repository = shift @ARGV;

#       for my $user (@admins)
#       {
                if ($admin eq $ENV {USER})
                        print "Deleting tag";
                        $go_flag = 1;

#       }

if (not $go_flag)
        if($operation eq "-d" or $operation eq "-F")
                print "$0: ERROR: Deleting or moving tags is not
                exit 1;

exit 0;

4. when running the
      cvs tag -d tagname filename it is giving error

Exec failed: No such file or directory
cvsnt server: Pre-tag check failed
cvsnt [server aborted]: correct the above errors first!

Can anyone help me.


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