[cvsnt] cannot pass %{sVv} in logInfo completely

Evan Chou cyq_0906 at yahoo.com.tw
Tue Dec 13 11:02:47 GMT 2005

Dear CVSNT users,

If all the changed files I committed are under the same directories, 
the argument passed from %{sVv} looks like : 
Proj101 bug11.txt,1.2,1.3 servers.ini,1.7,1.8
It's OK to process the list. But if the files I committed are located 
in different directories, I cannot get a complete list with %{sVv}. 
The result shows that only the files in the final directory that cvsnt 
handled are passed to my script.
Proj101/subdir1 bug3.txt,1.9,1.10

My cvsnt is, and the loginfo is as below : 

DEFAULT C:/perl/bin/perl.exe C:/Bugzilla_CVS_integ/aaa.pl %{sVv}

And a simple script aaa.pl :

open (LOGFILE, ">C:/Bugzilla_CVS_integ/aaa.log");
print LOGFILE "-----\n";
foreach (@ARGV) {
  print LOGFILE "$_\n";
print LOGFILE "-----\n";
# print LOGFILE <STDIN>;
close LOGFILE;

Did I touch a cvsnt's bug? It only happens when the committed files 
are from different directories. Or is there a correct coding to get 
the complete list from %{sVv}? I'm not familiar with Perl indeed.
Any advice would be appreciated.

Evan Chou

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