[cvsnt] Re: rlog

Teun Kloosterman teunkloosterman at gmail.com
Fri Dec 23 14:48:12 GMT 2005

> I don't seem to recognize you ever posting anything about CVSNT
> before. Where did you do this?
> The newsserver at news.cvsnt.org is the *official* place to discuss
> CVSNT issues unless you have a paid support agreement with March Hare
> Ltd.

I didn't, that's why I spent an hour looking for something.

> Cygwin is generally not supported by CVSNT. You should use native
> Windows tools to access CVSNT on Windows.

ahh, my native windows tools, as in, the official CVS tools included
on my windows XP CD?? Or do you mean the native tools easily accesible
on the CVSNT site?

Well, it can't be either of them because they both don't exist...

> Not at all true!
> ViewCvs changed more than a year ago to using the CVSNT internal rlog
> command in order to follow the evolution of CVSNT. Works just fine.

yep, could be, but... Since my (windows/apache) server doesn't support
CGI and/or Python at the moment (and I don't want it to) I chose for
Horde/chora (as in: the most recommended CVS viewer availanble)

> Already exists, used by ViewCvs....

but not freely available or is it?

Look, I'm not into this flaming business... All I want is for my
viewer to work. All I want is a working PHP viewer for my CVS
repository. Chora works great but it depends on rlog (not really
strange considering rlog is made for exactly that...) but since (as
you say), rlog is deprecated for use with the CVSNT repository. I'd
hope you could hand me an alternative for that so people won't be
forced to use ViewVC and thus need them to be able to run Python and

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