[cvsnt] SSPI Problem

Jay Hamilton Hamilton_jay at msn.com
Fri Dec 30 05:10:04 GMT 2005

I am new to CVSNT and have installed version 2.5.03(Scorpio) Build 2184. I 
am running it on Windows XP Pro. I am new to CVS in general so bare with me. 
I configured a repository and setup my CVSRoot env variable. I also 
installed TortoiseCVS as well. I have had no luck logging into CVS using the 
command prompt. I receive the message "cvs [login aborted]: authorization 
failed: server <My Machine Name> rejected access to <my repository> for user 
<My User Name>" when entering my password.  I am using SSPI which, from my 
reading and understanding, authenticates using my WinXP security system.

This problem may be preventing Turtoise from working properly as well. 
Whenever I attempt to define a new module I receive the following error:
cvs.exe [import aborted]: Error reading from server <MyServer Name>: -1: 
Unknown error

Error, CVS operation failed

I saw another related posting about SSPI and could not find much in that to 
help me. I am using a single machine and as a result the domain and machine 
name are the same.


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