[cvsnt] Re: CVS tries connecting to localhost, want remote

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Tue Feb 1 21:03:30 GMT 2005

On Tue, 01 Feb 2005 11:53:46 -0700, Dick Jackson <dick at d-jackson.com>

>cvs login 
>Logging in to :pserver:djackson@<myCVSserver>:2401:/jnj
>***** CVS exited normally with code 0 *****

This means that you have given the local workstation enough info to
log on automatically whenever needed to djackson@<myCVSserver>:/jnj
But whenever needed is the key here....

>Looks good, but when I do anything else with my files...
>cvs -n update -P add_colorbar.pro (in directory C:\JJ\toolkit\)
>cvs server: connect to failed: No connection could be
>made because the target machine actively refused it. 
>***** CVS exited normally with code 1 *****

The cvs update command does not use anything else but what was stored
in the CVS metadata folders upon checkout!
Your problem is that you have an erroneous root stored in the CVS
In WinCvs do as follows:
1) Select the top folderin your sandbox in the left pane
2) Go to Macros/CVS/CHANGEROOT
3) Click OK on the first dialogue
4) Enter the root changes you want to apply
5) OK

Now the update will use the root you entered and if that is a correct
working repository with the modules you have then all will be OK.

>Even if I do this, the same thing happens:
>cvs -n -d :pserver:djackson:<password>@<myCVSserver>:2401:/jnj update -P

cvs update has *never* used the -d parameter, it *always* uses what is
stored in the CVS folder.

>As I mentioned, I've tried uninstalling and throwing away all settings files in
>C:\Program Files\GNU\WinCVS 1.3. I've even fumbled around with regedt32, but
>found nothing that looked right.

Messing with the client program will not help in fixing a problem in
the sandbox. The setup does not touch data at all....

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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