[cvsnt] Server can't talk to itself, was: CVS tries connecting to localhost, want remote

Dick Jackson dick at d-jackson.com
Wed Feb 2 08:45:57 GMT 2005


Thank you for your prompt and patient reply. I'm afraid it didn't quite solve
the problem. I followed your instructions (including installing Python, which I
hadn't done before... *blush*)

Anywhere I looked, the CVSROOT was correct, pointing to the remote server, but
it was good to check it.

After following your instructions, I still get the same error, but I think the
problem is quite different from what we were getting at. The server will
correctly handle login requests (correct/incorrect passwords are detected and
reported) but no actual file handling works. Now, about this message:

> cvs server: connect to failed: No 
> connection could be
> made because the target machine actively refused it.

... I believe it's telling me that when the server is trying to talk to itself
(lock server) and is failing! I confirm this by trying telnet from the server
PC, and it cannot open a connection to *anything*, even to a working ftp port 21
which *other* machines *can* connect to without fail.

I believe this change in behaviour may have come when I updated CVSNT on the
server, and I don't know where to look for what may have got switched (service
stopped?). I've uninstalled and reinstalled CVSNT with no improvement. Any clues
are most welcome!

Thanks again,

Dick Jackson                   /            dick at d-jackson.com
D-Jackson Software Consulting /       http://www.d-jackson.com
Calgary, Alberta, Canada     / +1-403-242-7398 / Fax: 241-7392

> Bo Berglund wrote:
> On Tue, 01 Feb 2005 11:53:46 -0700, Dick Jackson <dick at 
> d-jackson.com> wrote:
> >cvs login 
> >Logging in to :pserver:djackson@<myCVSserver>:2401:/jnj
> >
> >***** CVS exited normally with code 0 *****
> This means that you have given the local workstation enough info to
> log on automatically whenever needed to djackson@<myCVSserver>:/jnj
> But whenever needed is the key here....
> >
> >Looks good, but when I do anything else with my files...
> >
> >=====
> >cvs -n update -P add_colorbar.pro (in directory C:\JJ\toolkit\)
> >cvs server: connect to failed: No 
> connection could be
> >made because the target machine actively refused it. 
> >
> >***** CVS exited normally with code 1 *****
> The cvs update command does not use anything else but what was stored
> in the CVS metadata folders upon checkout!
> Your problem is that you have an erroneous root stored in the CVS
> metadata.
> In WinCvs do as follows:
> 1) Select the top folderin your sandbox in the left pane
> 2) Go to Macros/CVS/CHANGEROOT
> 3) Click OK on the first dialogue
> 4) Enter the root changes you want to apply
> 5) OK
> Now the update will use the root you entered and if that is a correct
> working repository with the modules you have then all will be OK.

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