[cvsnt] CVSNT Crash
Falduto Tony
Tony.Falduto at sentry.com
Fri Feb 4 15:55:32 GMT 2005
I've had a problem 2 times now with users doing a import using WinCVS On the user side it appears their import has hung, but they
do not receive any error message so they either leave it sit for many
hours or issue a stop command. On the server side we are running CVSNT
2.0.51d on Windows 2003. In the system event log there is a message
that states "Application popup: cvsnt: Unfortunately CVSNT has crashed.
Would you like to produce a crash dump?" Each time this occurred I did
not know that CVSNT crashed because it appeared that the CVS services
stayed up and running. When I did noticed there was a problem was when
the file being committed expanded to a very large size consuming all my
disk space. The files being committed were less than 1MB yet on the
server side, they grew to 12GB+ (ie: all my available disk space).
Unfortunately I did not get the crash dump. Anyone else experiencing
similar issues with either WinCVS or CVSNT?
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