[cvsnt] Re: Latest updates

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Mon Feb 7 21:17:30 GMT 2005

On Mon, 07 Feb 2005 19:38:21 +0000, Tony Hoyle <tmh at nodomain.org>

>Bo Berglund wrote:
>> However, I do have sed but not xsltproc and hhc, any ideas where to
>> geth them?
>I use the xsltproc in cygwin (which is why there are cygwin paths in the 
>batch file) - install libxml2 and libxslt.  There's a pure Win32 one as 
>well now I believe but don't know where to download it.
>hhc is the microsoft html help compiler, from microsoft.com
>The stylsheets are at 

Trying hard to get it going, I have got the xsltproc program and the
dll:s it refers to. I also got the template file you linked to.
But I have yet to solve this:

1) What is supposed to go as the second call parameter to the
build.bat file? The first seems to be the sourcefile minus extension.
The second comes in here:
sed 's/__VERSION__/%2/' <../%1.dbk >%1.dbk

2) After fiddling with a lot of files from the net and dropping them
right into the cvsnt sandbox in various folders given by
..\..\foldername I managed to get past most of the problems, but I
have now gotten to this output:

F:\Engineering\Projects\cvsnt\doc>build.bat cvs
sed: -e uttryck #1, tecken 1: OkSnt kommando: `''
cvs.dbk:1: parser error : Document is empty

cvs.dbk:1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found

unable to parse cvs.dbk
'hhc' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
'cp' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

3) As you can see I am also missing a program called 'cp', what is

4) I do have a lot of Microsoft stuff installed, do you have any idea
where I could find hhc.exe. It's not on my path..
- Visual Studio 6
- Visual Studio .NET
- Visual Studio .NET 2003
- Microsoft Office Pro 2000
Somewhere there should eb a help compiler, right?

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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