[cvsnt] Re: Compiling cvs.chm was: Re: Latest updates

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Tue Feb 8 06:36:30 GMT 2005

On Mon, 07 Feb 2005 23:47:17 +0000, Tony Hoyle <tmh at nodomain.org>

>Bo Berglund wrote:
>> I got myself sed 3.59 (english version now) so I can paste in the
>> response I am getting. Please tell me why this happens...
>> F:\Engineering\Projects\cvsnt\doc>build.bat cvs
>> ..\sed: -e expression #1, char 1: Unknown command: `''
>> cvs.dbk:1: parser error : Document is empty
>Something wrong there - your sed isn't coping with quotes properly.  Try 
>using double quotes instead of single ones.

That made things go further and I now have a htmlhelp.chm file after
the process is done! :-)
A *lot* of errors are coming up though, can't catch them all, but here
are a few samples:

No localization exists for "en" or "". Using default "en".
No "en" localization exists.
No context named "title-numbered" exists in the "en" localization.
No "en" localization exists.
No context named "title-numbered" exists in the "en" localization.
No "en" localization exists.
No context named "title-numbered" exists in the "en" localization.
No template for "/book/chapter" (or any of its leaves) exists
in the context named "title-numbered" in the "en" localization.
Writing index.html for book
No localization exists for "en" or "". Using default "en".
No "en" localization exists.
No context named "htmlhelp" exists in the "en" localization.
No template for "langcode" (or any of its leaves) exists
in the context named "htmlhelp" in the "en" localization.
Writing htmlhelp.hhp
Writing toc.hhc
Writing index.hhk
Microsoft HTML Help Compiler 4.74.8702

Compiling f:\Engineering\Projects\cvsnt\doc\_tmp\htmlhelp.chm




Compile time: 0 minutes, 4 seconds
258     Topics
1,913   Local links
0       Internet links
0       Graphics

Created f:\Engineering\Projects\cvsnt\doc\_tmp\htmlhelp.chm, 306,559
Compression decreased file by 533,821 bytes.
The syntax of the command is incorrect.

I guess that the last command that outpots an error is:
copy htmlhelp.chm ../%1.chm
because there is no cvs.chm created in the folder above.
But what about the "en" localization????

Anyway I can manually copt the file over as cvs.chm

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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