[cvsnt] Re: Using Modules file in CVSROOT to remap directories on client side checkout

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Wed Feb 9 07:05:46 GMT 2005

On Tue, 8 Feb 2005 18:04:33 -0600, "Brian J. Davis"
<davisb at orbitec.com> wrote:

>Can aliases be used for paths deep in the tree?  For instance say there is 
>the CVSTestProject2/prj2dir1level1 directory in the CVSTestProject2.
>Can I use:
>anAlias -a CVSTestProject2/prj2dir1level1

No, alias modules will do one thing for you only, they will give you
an alias for the checkout that works in the following way:

anAlias -a Module1/Module2 Module1/Module4 Module1/Module8 Common/MCM

When checked out you will get:

But no top folder named anAlias!
It is really only useful as a way to select certain submodules from an
existing module with *many* submodules. An example is WinCvs itself,
when you check out "WincvsSrc" you will get a module named cvsgui with
a few submodules (less than there are in the physical directory). But
they will all be checked out to their respective real names.

Regular modules is a way to actually rename a module on checkout and
here you can also control the depth of the checkout:

aRegularMod -d AnotherModuleName Module1/Module2

wil result in the following checkout:

cvs co aRegularMod

  |- files from Module1/Module2

Ampersand modules on the other hand work like alias modules but with
the slight difference of creating a top level container folder by the
name of the module:

anAmpMod &Module1/Module2 &Module1/Module4 &Common/MCM

gets you

  |  |-Module2
  |  |-Module4
  |  |-MCM

And you can't put anythingh in the top level folder AFAICT

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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