[cvsnt] Re: commit followed by a tag

Gerhard Fiedler lists at connectionbrazil.com
Wed Feb 9 12:43:25 GMT 2005

Matt Schuckmann wrote:

> I will admit that I've been working on the assumption that managment
> wouldn't let me change our proceedure, since then I've discovered that they
> are open to some changes in proceedure, so I'm exploring new possiblities.

My experience is that procedures almost always have to change (maybe only
slightly, but still) when you change version control systems. 

> The whole bug ID concept could be used except for a couple of restrictions:

I haven't yet worked with the bug ID, and it's still too young to be
supported by any GUIs.

> Another solution could be that all functions and fixes could be on there own
> branches which are then merged back into the TRUNK when they are ready to go
> into a release candidate. Developers commiting to the trunk would not be
> allowed, except in rare cases.  This seems like an awfull lot of branching
> and merging, and the potential to merge things out of order greater.

It needs a bit of organizing, but this is essentially similar to what I've
done before and what Bo just suggested. It doesn't really matter a lot
whether your release is on the main branch or in a "real" branch; this is
more a matter of taste. 

I still don't understand how with your current way you get to the
fine-grained control of which feature goes into release and which not. The
way you described, it seems that every later feature (Jan's FUNC...) is
based on the earlier efforts (Bob's FIX...). 

If this is ok, what's the problem with a development branch and a release
branch? (Either one could be the main branch.) On the development branch,
you have all fixes, and of course there's always the chance that a later
one depends on an earlier one (just like it is now). 

People could either work directly on the development branch and tag it when
they are done with a fix or feature, or they could work on individual
branches for every item, but then merge the branches back to the main
development branch when that item is completed. This would bring a number
of advantages:
- it allows easily to identify (and review) the changes each item has
- developers can commit freely during work on an item because their
intermediate commits with incomplete and maybe buggy code don't disturb
anybody else (which gives them centralized backup of their code and the
possibility to create diffs to earlier stages in their work on this item), 
- the merge of the item into the main development branch would be done as
part of the normal closing work on an item (when memory about what's
important to look for is still fresh), not at some later point, 
- the merge is only small (reducing the chance of errors and conflicts),
because it only needs to merge any other items that have been committed to
the development branch during the time it took to implement that item, 
- and the development branch remains reasonably stable, because it receives
only already tested items.

You can promote any point in the development branch to the release branch
(or before that to an intermediate test branch, which then gets promoted to
the release branch). If an item was committed after another one, in general
it is not trivial to promote the second but not the first -- but I think
this is also true for your current way of doing things. So maybe it's not
that different after all...

I don't think that developers should have to (or be allowed to) merge in
individual fixes when they get a working base. In my experience, merging is
not a trivial action and should be done with care -- and not more often
than necessary. In my scheme, developers simply get the always current
development branch when starting on a new item.


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