[cvsnt] CVS Commit Not Working on SourceForge

Richard Wirth r.wirth at wirthware.de
Fri Feb 11 06:25:45 GMT 2005

Hello Dan,

Friday, February 11, 2005, 6:18:24 AM, you wrote:

DP> I have no problem checking files out OR creating new modules on the
DP> SourceForge Repository. The SSH seems to be working fine (I have not set up
DP> keys yet though). Problems occur when I try to commit something:
DP> *******************************
DP> CVSROOT=:ext:dpupek at cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/rastertrace

DP> cvs.exe "-z3" "commit" "-m" "Initial ommit of Raster Trace" "cvsignore"

DP> cvs server: invalid option -- c

There is an other version of cvs in your PATH that doesn't support
cvsgui-protocoll, find it and rename it.
It has nothing to do with sourceforge or TortoiseCvs..

Best regards,
 Richard                            mailto:r.wirth at wirthware.de

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