[cvsnt] Problems when local CVSROOT ends in a backslash

Kim Sullivan alicebot at seznam.cz
Sun Feb 13 12:12:28 GMT 2005


I upgraded to 2.0.58d (don't remember which version I had previously though)
and encountered weird behavior when a local cvsroot ends in a backslash
(either as a command line parameter, or taken from the CVS\Root file). Some
commads work without problems (commit, update, diff), some commands worked
only on a command line and not through WinCVS (checkout gave me usage
options as if the parameters were wrong), and some commands didn't work at
all (rename - I got an error that the files I tried to rename "are in
different repositories" even when I have only one local repository and one
local checked out copy). Removing the trailing backslash from the local root
path solved all of these problems.

Could this also pose problems when using non local repositories?


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