[cvsnt] Automatic Authentication with windows credentials

Brad Costa bradcosta at optusnet.com.au
Wed Feb 16 05:22:52 GMT 2005

Hi all;
I am a newbie setting up a CVSNT system, with WINCVS, for a small number of
developers, using SSPI, in a full windows network (2003
server/domain-controller, xp workstations/clients)

At the moment I am controlling access to the repository using windows domain
username and password authentication (i.e. my cvs client will grab the
domain username of the windows user currently logged in at the workstation
and will embed that in the CVSROOT connection string).

For instance, on the windows clients I have set my CVSROOT environment
variable to this:
	:sspi:cvserver:/project (project is the main repository I am using)

And when a workstation user (say joe) types in the "cvs login" command his
connection to the CVS server is established with the following settings:
	:sspi:joe at cvserver:/project

This is great BUT THEN I still get prompted for my domain password on each
CVS login attempt. What I would really like is to surpress this password
prompt some way (so a user doesn't get asked to put their domain password in
each time they want to login to a CVS repository). Ideally I would like the
CVS client to supply this domain password 'automatically' like the CVS
client supplies the domain username 'automatically' during the login process
(without having to explicitly state it).

In short, I just want to be able to connect to a CVS server and have my
domain username and password supplied automatically for a cvs login

I have only just started on this project, so if need be, I would be open to
changing CVS clients or otherwise if it is going to help me achieve this

Thanks for any help!

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