[cvsnt] Automatic Authentication with windows credentials

Brad Costa bradcosta at optusnet.com.au
Wed Feb 16 10:52:47 GMT 2005

Hi Peter, Bo and P.Vinod, I want to thank you all for clarifying the
situation for me, and for doing it so promptly - my little hitch is solved!

You were right on the money when you we telling me not to use the 'cvs
login' command.

I left my CVSROOT environment variable as :sspi:cvserver:/projects, just
opened up a command prompt and began issuing commands to my CVS server, and
they all worked fine! (without a single password prompt in sight!)  

Once again, I appreciate the help;

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Crowther [mailto:Peter.Crowther at melandra.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, 16 February 2005 8:09 PM
To: Brad Costa; cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Subject: RE: [cvsnt] Automatic Authentication with windows credentials

> From: Brad Costa [mailto:bradcosta at optusnet.com.au] 
> For instance, on the windows clients I have set my CVSROOT environment
> variable to this:
> 	:sspi:cvserver:/project (project is the main repository 
> I am using)

Looks good.  This works, *without* login prompts, on our system, which
is Win2K server but otherwise very similar to yours.

> And when a workstation user (say joe) types in the "cvs 
> login" command his
> connection to the CVS server is established with the 
> following settings:
> 	:sspi:joe at cvserver:/project

If you're using SSPI you don't need to run cvs login - just set the
CVSROOT, go for it and everything works.  Try it and see whether this is
true in your environment.

		- Peter

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