[cvsnt] performence problem

Peter Crowther Peter.Crowther at melandra.com
Tue Feb 22 10:44:22 GMT 2005

> From: Stéphane Nicoll [mailto:Stephane.Nicoll at bsb.com] 
> > Assuming you've turned off realtime anti-virus scanning on 
> the CVS repository (you have, haven't you? :-) )
> Yup. Was still slow but they didn't got any timeout exception 
> in Eclipse anymore. Sounds it's a factor.

OK, that sounds like it's helped.  Might be worth turning it off on the CVS temp area too.

> > Do you know what mix of operations you've got, and whether 
> it's mostly reads or mostly writes? 
> I think it's mostly reads. The team is updating the 
> repository (a lot of people) and we do have roughly 100 
> check-ins per day.

See my other post - to me, there's still too much disk traffic for that load.  For example, one recent poster found that the cause of an overloaded server was a copy of Cruise Control that was very aggressively configured and was updating from the repository once every couple of minutes.

		- Peter

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