[cvsnt] Re: Possible bug with mergepoints

Gerhard Fiedler lists at connectionbrazil.com
Thu Feb 24 13:10:23 GMT 2005

Tony Hoyle wrote:

>> It's also inconsistent, because it only happens to added files and not any 
>> other modified files.
> It'll happen to anything that the server modifies - update after merge 
> isn't guaranteed to keep mergepoints in any situation.

I've never worked with mergepoints, but I am about to do so. So I read up a

In http://cvsnt.org/wiki/MergePoint it says "Just make sure you commit
after merging (before performing any other merges) and cvsnt will save the
mergepoint field with the update." According to Tony, this seems not to be
quite correct. Shouldn't it read "before performing any other updates"?

What happens in the following scenario with mergepoints?

  cvs update -A  // updates to HEAD
  cvs update -j myBranch // merges in the changes on myBranch

  (now somebody else makes some commits and bumps a few HEAD revisions)

  cvs commit // tells me to run an update 
  cvs update // update to the latest revisions (possibly with some merging)
  cvs commit // hopefully final commit

Now I /have/ to run update after the merge, before the commit. But Tony
said that "update after merge isn't guaranteed to keep mergepoints in any
situation". What am I missing here? How does this work?

Also, how would one use "cvs up -m"? How does cvs know which branch to
merge in? Is there any documentation on this? I found one page in the wiki
about mergepoints, and it's /very/ basic. It just says that tagging is not
necessary anymore :)


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