[cvsnt] How do I automate cvs add to run recursively incvsntcommand line
Brook Hurd
brookh at PerlmanArchitects.com
Fri Feb 25 18:57:48 GMT 2005
I was able to create the script by downloading Cygwin and using its find
scrip in Dos. Here is my bat file setup:
cd \Revize\www\revize\perlman
c:\cygwin\bin\find_unix * -type d -name "*" ! -name "CVS" -exec cvs -N
add {} -m "Automated Add" ";"
c:\cygwin\bin\find_unix * -type d -name "*" -exec cvs -N add {} -m
"Automated Add" ";"
cvs -N commit -m "Commited by cvs script"
It isn't very clean, but it does the job. Does anyone remember how to
tell the script to ignore files in folder with "CVS" in the name? I can
do it via a directory search using '! -name "CVS"' but not a file
Brook Hurd
-----Original Message-----
From: cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org [mailto:cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org] On Behalf
Of Vladimir
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 11:25 PM
To: cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Subject: Re[2]: [cvsnt] How do I automate cvs add to run recursively
incvsntcommand line
May be something like that:
for i in `find_unx forms|sed -e 's,\\\\,/,g'|sort`
if [ -f "$i" ]
echo cvs delete -f "$i"
I used this script yesterday to delete some files from a repositiory.
You need sh, find (renamed to find_unx), sed, sort (optional), echo.
You do not need all cygwin. It is too fat for this task. If you need i
can send you this programs to email
R> I tried windows find, but I could not find a way to execute cvs add
R> time something was found.
R> Cvsnt gives me the cvs add command in Dos, but the find command in
R> is still lacking.
R> Brook Hurd
R> Brook Hurd wrote:
>>I have used CVS in multiple Linux environments. It is easy using the
>>'find' command to add files recursively via CVS.
R> Just use 'find' on Windows then, using either Cygwin or MinGW.
Best regards,
Vladimir mailto:vab at borlas.ru
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