[cvsnt] error message - Unable to initialize the CVS process

Ritchie Simon Simon.Ritchie at HISCOX.com
Mon Jan 10 12:10:04 GMT 2005

I got this problem when I installed WinCVS ( Beta 20).  When I do anything that runs a CVS command I get something like this:

cvs -d :sspi:{myname}@localhost:/AppsData/CVSRepo import -I ! -I CVS -m "no message" testmodule avendor arelease (in directory C:\My Documents\testmodule\)
Unable to initialize the CVS process: The system cannot find the path specified.
The CVS used is : C:\Program Files\GNU\WinCvs 1.3\cvsnt\cvs.exe

I've seen a couple of questions posted about this problem in various mail lists over several months, but I haven't seen an answer.

It's very simple, once you have figured it out.  When you install WinCvs it creates the CVS command in one directory, but the GUI expects it to be in another.

To fix it, find the real location of the cvs.exe program, go to admin->preferences->CVS and set the "alternative CVS executable" value.  In my case the location was c:\program files\cvsnt\cvs.exe.


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