[cvsnt] Re: Permission denied problem after upgrade to and reboot

Koen no at ssppaamm.com
Mon Jan 10 17:13:41 GMT 2005

Bo Berglund wrote:

> Which operating system?

Server running on Windows2000 server.
Client running on Windows2000 (TortoiseCVS 1.8.7).

> What other reason did you have to reboot?
> If you had applied some Microsoft updates then most probably these
> have tightened security so the errors appear.

Yep, it was about some security fixes indeed (KB885835, KB885836,
KB873339 and KB889293 in particular).

> Since you installed 2.0.58d as a replacement for then
> there are a lot of differences to handle.
> One of them deal with the locking system, the old CVSNT used files for
> locking and this may cause permission problems. The new CVSNT uses
> "lockserver", but that hs to be activated in the repository
> configuration (CVSROOT/config file).

In my config file, I have this:

# Set this to "no" if pserver shouldn't check system users/passwords

# Put CVS lock files in this directory rather than directly in the
# repository.

# Set `TopLevelAdmin' to `yes' to create a CVS directory at the top
# level of the new working directory when using the `cvs checkout'
# command.

# Set `LogHistory' to `all' or `TOFEWGCMAR' to log all transactions to
# the history file, or a subset as needed (ie `TMAR' logs all write
# operations)

Where F:\CVSRepositories\LockDir_cvsIPEM is an existing directory for
which CVSUsers (group on server) has all permissions, except full

The CVS lock service is running too.

The strange thing is that I can do a checkout with a read-only user...
Although nothing is created in the lock dir then (but then again, that
probably shouldn't happen for read-only users).
And the CVSUsers group (currently one member: CVSUser) always has more
permissions than the CVSGuests group (currently only one member:
CVSGuest) for each directory. That's the strange thing about it...

> And you have to check your setup concerning the repositories using the
> CVSNT Control Panel configurator (green fish on Control Panel).

Which settings in particular should I check?
I now have:

Service status:
    CVS service: running
    CVS lock service: running

    /CVSMAMI    F:/CVSRepositories/cvsMAMI
    /CVSIPEM    F:/CVSRepositories/cvsIPEM

    ( ) Don't resolve client names (debug setting)
    (v) Lockserver listens locally only
    ( ) Allow clients to trace server

    Run as user:    (client user)
    Default domain:    IPEMSRV
    Temporary Directory:    F:\CVSTemp

    CVS server port:    2401
    Lock server:    localhost 2402
    Encryption:    Optional
    Compression:    Optional

SSL settings:
    SSL Certificate file:
    D:\Program Files\cvsnt\cvsnt-default.pem
    SSL Private Key file:
    D:\Program Files\cvsnt\cvsnt-default.pem

    Client:    Generic non-cvsnt
    (three checkboxes below are empty)

My directory structure is like this:

 |   +---CVSROOT
 |   +---IPEMToolbox
 |   \---QbVExperiment
 |   +---CVSROOT
 |   +---MAMI
 |   +---MAMIJava
 |   +---MAMIMatlab
 |   \---MAMITemp

where cvsIPEM and cvsMAMI are the repository directories, and the
LockDir_xyz are the corresponding lock directories.
BackupsOfCVSRepositories and sandbox are just some extra utility
directories I sometimes use.

Any help to get CVSNT running on our server again highly appreciated!


> /Bo
> On Thu, 23 Dec 2004 11:52:24 +0100, "Koen" <no at ssppaamm.com> wrote:
>> Any idea what is the problem here? I had just upgraded the CVSNT
>> server a couple of weeks ago and now had to reboot the server it's
>> running on for some other reason. And I can't access my CVS
>> repositories any more! This is what I get on a CVS update on a
>> client machine:
>> --------------------------
>> In D:\Temp: "E:\Program Files\TortoiseCVS\cvs.exe" "-q" "checkout"
>> "-P" "MAMI"
>> CVSROOT=:pserver:ktanghe at ipem.ugent.be:/cvsMAMI
>> cvs [server aborted]: Repository directory F:/CVSRepositories/cvsMAMI
>> does not exist: Permission denied
>> Error, CVS operation failed
>> ---------------------------
>> I didn't change anything at all to file permissions etc... on the
>> server. I just installed a newer version.
>> Any help highly appreciated!
>> Koen
> /Bo
> (Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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