[cvsnt] "Floating" Tags?

Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net
Tue Jan 11 08:58:36 GMT 2005

Just to answer that bit as well (in addition to John's comments):

Merrill Cornish wrote:

> Are the virtual modules unique to CVSNT? 

No, not at all. They're as old as time.
Only the modules2 file and its syntax is unique to CVSNT.

> Finally, I find the command line tedious (which, on this mailing
> list, makes me a lower form of life :-) ), and I try to stick to
> WinCVS or Tortoise.

I'll try to do some proof-of-concept type graphical modules editor in
Delphi based on the idea mentioned in my earlier post. Stay tuned.
Not sure though whether I'll go for modules or modules2, though. The
latter sure looks easier to do in this context but it's of potentially
less utility as it's not as wide-spread yet...

Hope this helps.

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JID:  ogiesen at jabber.org
ICQ:  18777742	(http://wwp.icq.com/18777742)

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