[cvsnt] Re: how to connect to a cvs server behind a network via internet

Xiao xsi_m at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 11 12:46:28 GMT 2005


After much trouble setting up a cvs server, I tried
what you suggested but it still gives me something
like : target pc refused connection or pc cant agree
on a protocol.

my setup:

pc1: running cvs server on mandrake CE 10.1
pc2: running windows 2003 server, port 2401 is open
through network settings: control panel -> network
settings -> (tcp, 2401 , dest pc: pc 1)
pc3: running windows 2000 not on network, contacted
admin to open 2401 on hardware firewall

pc's on network is connected to cvs via pserver
protocol and works fine.

I set the CVS root as  :sspi:tester at cvsserver:/CVSRep
and tried cvs login and the password stuff did popped
up. It could make a connection, but after it just
quits with the mentioned error.

Another question: would you trust your important code
on sspi or should I just dive into ssh.

Thanks again,


--- Bo Berglund <bo.berglund at telia.com> wrote:

> On Wed, 5 Jan 2005 03:22:59 -0800 (PST), Xiao
> <xsi_m at yahoo.com> wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I got the following setup: a cvs server (pc1), main
> >network server (pc2) and a pc on the internet(pc3).
> >
> >pc3 can only connect directly to pc2 never to pc1,
> but
> >pc2 can ofcourse connect to pc1. So how can I setup
> >pc3 using wincvs to connect to the cvs repository
> on
> >pc1?
> >
> Set up a port forwarding rule on pc2, which forwards
> port 2401 to pc1
> on the internal network.
> Then on pc3 you add an entry in the HOSTS file as
> follows:
> <IP address of pc2>  <name of pc1>
> example:
>  cvsserverlocal
> Then in pc3 you use the following connection string
> for CVSNT:
>   :sspi:user at cvsserverlocal:/Repository
> (where you replace the names appropriately)
> Now you must (ONCE ONLY) execute the cvs login
> command and give the
> password for the user you have specified.
> What happens here is that pc2 receives the call from
> pc3 on port 2401
> and forwards it to pc1, which processes it in the
> same way as if the
> call had been made locally on the internal network.
> The reply goes to
> pc2 which forwards it over the Internet to pc3.
> Note that you must use the user at server type syntax
> because the Windows
> authentication does not work automatically in this
> situation.
> By setting the HOSTS entry like above you can easily
> switch pc3 to
> work internally by simply changing the IP address to
> the internal IP
> of the CVS server if pc3 is moved to be inside the
> local network. For
> example if it is a laptop that travels.
> /Bo
> (Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)
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