[cvsnt] Encrypted connection from Solaris to Windows 2003

Damien Joguet djoguet at octo.com
Fri Jan 21 17:33:26 GMT 2005



I have a CVS server on a windows 2003 box, with encryption required set. I
want to connect to this box from a Solaris box. I tried sspi, and I could
login. But when I try a checkout I receive the following messages : 


V880:~$ cvs  -d :sspi:DOMAIN\\USER at xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/cvs/cvsrepo login

Logging in to :sspi:DOMAIN\USER at xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/cvs/cvsrepo

CVS password: 

V880:~$ cvs  -d :sspi: DOMAIN\\USER at xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/cvs/cvsrepo checkout

cvs [checkout aborted]: cvs [server aborted]: This server requires an
encrypted connection


Is there something I need to setup in order for sspi to work ? Should I use
another protocol ?


Thank you for your help.



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