[cvsnt] Re: Use of modules(2) to check out several separate directories into different directories.

Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net
Mon Jan 24 22:58:30 GMT 2005

Bo Berglund wrote:

> Oliver has covered most of the details already, but there is a subtle
> thing that I think you should be aware of might cause problems:
> Since in the checked out folder system CVS handles files in a given
> folder using metadata inside a CVS subfolder where one file tells CVS
> from which source folder the files came from, you will have problems
> stuffing single files coming from different server folders into one
> common folder on the client side...

"having problems" still makes it sound like it was feasible at all,
which it isn't... You'll seriously mess things up if you try something
like that. So yes, that comment might be in order: Old-style Modules
really work at the directory level only. The ability to only checkout
some individual files from a folder should not be mistaken for the
ability to checkout individual files wherever you like.

> Also if you do this, you will have trouble tagging project1 because
> you would also tag Project2 at the same time.

Huh? There can only ever be one entry in each ./CVS/Repository file. In
the above (horror) scenario the last module specified wins (if you even
get that far that is - I never tried it - it might well fail on
checkout already). It is technically impossible to tag two repository
modules by tagging a single sandbox folder.

> Why not keep the binary result of a project in a bin folder below the
> source folder of that project instead? That way you can select that
> project's source folder and tag all of these files at once.

While that would be my personal preference as well I don't really see
much of a problem with keeping all binaries in a single place as
Richard suggested either. The problem you outlined above only arises if
you force files from different modules into a single sandbox folder.
Forcing files from the same repository folder to different checkout
targets however is totally unproblematic. Even more so is not
overriding the checkout target at all...


----	------------------
JID:	ogiesen at jabber.org
ICQ:	18777742	(http://wwp.icq.com/18777742)

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