[cvsnt] chacl directory vs file permissions

Vlad nospam at noserver.net
Tue Jan 25 17:47:56 GMT 2005


This probably isnt' a bug, but rather a problem in my own understanding of 
the chacl command.  I'm using cvsnt 2.0.58d with the pserver protocol for 
the clients, the server is running on WindowsXP.  When an admin uses chacl 
to allow "write" on a directory by a certain user, for example with the 
following command:

cvs chacl -u username1 -a read,write,nocontrol,tag,create .

And then executes the following command for a file WITHIN the same directory

cvs chacl -u username1 -a noread,nowrite,nocontrol,notag,nocreate file.c

Should username1 be allowed to make commits to file.c?  I would think no, 
because in this case the file permissions should have precedence over the 
directory permissions.  However, when I try this out, username1 is able do 
anything to file.c except change ACLs.  Note that username1 is a regular 
user who is not an admin (neither in the admins file nor under NTFS).

Could someone help out?



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