[cvsnt] Re: Using modules to define "virtual modules"...

Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net
Wed Jan 26 01:54:43 GMT 2005

Tony Hoyle wrote:

> Oliver Giesen wrote:
> > SomeLib5 -d SomeLib/Src External/SomeLib/D5/Src
> > SomeLib7 -d SomeLib/Src External/SomeLib/D7/Src
> > 
> > This is not possible with modules2 AFAICT or at least I wouldn't
> > expect it to produce sensible results.
> This would work fine with modules2

Not from my experience.

> [Somelib5]
> SomeLib/Src=External/SomeLib/D5/Src

If I check this out, say to c:\Projects, I would get:


> [SomeLib7]
> SomeLib/Src=External/SomeLib/D7/Src

and this would become:


(Note that I did not try this particular example but I played with
similar declarations for most of yesterday and I'm rather sure that's
what would happen - otherwise I wouldn't have started the thread about
aliasing modules)

Whereas my two modules examples would both checkout to:


> Modules2's advantage is it is completely transparent to the client...
> you can safely treat the directories within it as if they actually
> exist, instead of having to a different behavour from checkout and
> update as you do with modules.

Yes, that part would have been nice if it hadn't necessarily been true
for the (forced) top-level folder of the module too. Don't get me
wrong, I'm still impressed by what modules2 can do, but AFAICT at the
moment it's of very limited use for my purposes and you already
confirmed this impression in an earlier post yourself.

Maybe you could introduce the concept of "anonymous" modules that would
check out directly into the current working directory instead of into a
folder of their name. Off the top of my head I would say that this
would probably solve most if not all of my problems...

>  With few exceptions you can
> express any of them in terms of each other.

Unfortunately these few exceptions appear to be the crucial ones for
me. I already explained about that on my previous thread.


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JID:  ogiesen at jabber.org
ICQ:  18777742     (http://wwp.icq.com/18777742)

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