[cvsnt] cvs remove: ignoring test (CVS/Repository missing)

Thomas Bartolucci tbartolu at nnco.nano.gov
Wed Jan 26 15:24:28 GMT 2005

I run the command:

# cvs remove calendar
# cvs watch on calendar

from my CVSROOT and I get this error, where calendar is the folder of 
the project:

cvs remove: ignoring calendar (CVS/Repository missing)
cvs watch: ignoring calendar (CVS/Repository missing)

yet my repositories work fine with people checking in/out files and 
editing and commiting changes.

Why am I getting these errors?

Thomas Bartolucci
National Nanotechnology Coordination Office
Systems Administrator
4201 Wilson Blvd
Stafford II Room 405
Arlington, VA 22230
tbartolu at nnco.nano.gov

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