[cvsnt] Re: CVSMailer with CVSNT

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Wed Jan 26 18:50:06 GMT 2005

On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 11:33:12 -0700, Glen Starrett <grstarrett at cox.net>

>It's OK with me if this is going to change and be this way going forward 
>since this is much better than "script execution failed" but the 
>parameters not working correctly -- specifically $USER -- needs to be 
>fixed.  The hanging isn't so friendly either :)

To me it means unneeded extra work on a program that did work properly
for many many cvsnt versions...

Concerning the users, try to modify the loginfo script so that these
parameters are enclosed in double quotes. Don't know if it is going to
help some, but you never know...

I can't check this yet because the binaries zipfile did not come with
the needed dll:s so my Innosetup based installation does not start the
If you have these dll's, could you please zip them and email to me
privately so I can update my 1859 installation and check for myself?
I think I need:
howl.dll (this is what lockserver complains about)
mDNSResponder.dll (this is in the cvsnt MSI installer script too)

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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