[cvsnt] Re: ViewCvs incompatibility with - co.zip (0/1)

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Sat Jan 29 09:32:07 GMT 2005

On Sat, 29 Jan 2005 10:26:39 +0100, Bo Berglund
<bo.berglund at telia.com> wrote:

>More info:
>I took the command that ViewCvs uses and shortened it to a single
>file. Then I executed it on the command line myself. Result from two
>different files, the first has had a revision committed by build 1863
>and the second is still revision 1.1 which was committed when the
>server was 2.0.38:
>C:\>"C:\Programs\cvsnt\cvs.exe" "rcsfile" "rlog" "-r"
>cvs.exe [rcsfile aborted]:              unrecognized operation '\x0'
>in C:\cvsrepo\pc\CVSNT\cvsbin\co.exe,v
>C:\>"C:\Programs\cvsnt\cvs.exe" "rcsfile" "rlog" "-r"
>RCS file: C:\cvsrepo\pc\CVSNT\cvsbin\ca.pem,v
>Working file: ca.pem
>head: 1.1
>locks: strict
>access list:
>symbolic names:
>        CVSNT_2-0-62-1860: 1.1
>        CVSNT_2-0-62-1852: 1.1
>keyword substitution: kv
>total revisions: 1;     selected revisions: 1
>revision 1.1
>date: 2005/01/19 15:25:10;  author: bosse;  state: Exp;
>Managing the Innosetup installer through my own CVS server.
>Now adding current state, which is
>Looks like the rcs handling has broken...

I am going to try attaching the co.exe,v file now so that you can
check it out. If you use this RCS file when testing the command out
you may find out what is going wrong.

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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