[cvsnt] Re: http://www.cvsnt.org/archive/ and WinCVS used versions (e.g. 2.0.51d)

Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net
Fri Jul 1 17:02:50 BST 2005

Tony Hoyle wrote:

> WinCVS support their own client which is fine

Actually it's been years since WinCvs came with it's own client. I
think we shipped the unchanged CVSNT binaries ever since WinCvs 1.3.5
or thereabouts... Since somewhere around 1.3.18 we're even shipping the
default CVSNT installer and only call it from our own.

I don't know for sure, why Jerzy isn't distributing the newer binaries.
IIRC 2.0.51d was the last officially "stable" release using the
InnoSetup installer. Maybe that is playing a part. I'm having no
problems using Bo's Inno installer though (though I haven't tried the
latest one yet which Bo seemed to have minor doubts about) so as far as
I'm concerned we could just use that...

> (the client doesn't
> change a lot anyway), but I'd strongly discourage anyone attempting
> to run a server from such a version.

Well, as discussed earlier, our server is still running exactly that
(i.e. 2.0.51d). In the course of that previous discussion you indicated
that you might do another "stable" 2.5.01 release containing all the
fixes since .1976 (i.e. the last "stable" 2.5.01 release to date) but
none (or few) of the new features. Is that still on your ToDo-list?


----  ------------------
JID:  ogiesen at jabber.org
ICQ:  18777742	(http://wwp.icq.com/18777742)

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