[cvsnt] Re: CVS +Tortoise working for me on my LAN. Now I want to access remotely

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Thu Jul 7 05:22:46 BST 2005

On Wed, 06 Jul 2005 11:43:04 -0700, Glen Starrett <grstarrett at cox.net>

>Bo Berglund wrote:
>>>firewall to that servermachine. I can obtain the mostly-static IP
>>>address. But when I go remote, I only know (for example):
>> No you don't! One way to get this working OK is to enter the name of
>> your cvsnt server and its IP address into the
>> system32\drivers\etc\HOSTS file.
>> After this you can continue using the name of the cvs server and
>> additionally if the IP address changes you need only edit the HOSTS
>> file.
>FYI, Using a DDNS service will automatically keep that name to IP 
>mapping correct for you and be more robust.  HOSTS file certainly works, 
>but requires you change it when your IP changes.

But if the server is a non-official IP that may change over time then
any official DNS server will not have it and the HOSTS file approach
is the way to go. I have my home ADSL line at a fixed address because
I have the modem on 24/7, but as soon as it is powered off for more
than a day it loses its lease and gets a different IP next time it is
connected. I obviously am not likely to get it entered into my ISP's
DNS server so I have simply named it in my HOSTS file. Then I can CVS
there using the name and as soon as I get a new IP I change the HOSTS
file and this is all I need to do.

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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