[cvsnt] Tag activity not appearing in CVSROOT/history

Andy Southby asouthby at drumgrange.co.uk
Wed Jul 20 13:56:56 BST 2005

Can anyone help?

I would like to view the history of TAG activity on my repository but 
although there are many types of entries in the history file not one is a 
TAG entry!

I have tried modifying the 'LogHistory' entry in config to 'TOFEWGCMAR' and 
'all' to no avail.

I can only assume I am mis-interpreting the documentation as I have read and 
re-read it but can still find no way of enabaling it.

XP Pro SP2 server and client
CVSNT 2.0.41a
Tortoise 1.6.12
using pserver

Thanks in advance.


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