[cvsnt] Re: "cvs commit -r " problem

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at system3r.se
Fri Jul 22 10:15:47 BST 2005

On Fri, 22 Jul 2005 15:30:14 +0800,
<amistad.hou at gmail.com> wrote:

>Hi all,
>   i want to change the revision of some files. i use "cvs commit" command=
>to change the revision of file as the following in WinCVS:
>cvs commit -r 2.1 test.v
>  =20
>   then a text file is poped on the screen, and it shows the information,=
>CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>CVS: Enter Log.  Lines beginning with `CVS:' are removed automatically
>CVS: Committing in .
>CVS: Modified Files:
>CVS:  Tag: 2.1
>CVS: test.v=20
>CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>while i close the text window, the gui is suspended until i stop CVS=20
>manually. after i stop CVS, an error message shows up
>error message:=20
>Log message unchanged or not specified
>a)bort, c)ontinue, e)dit, !)reuse this message unchanged for remaining dirs
>Action: (continue) cvs [commit aborted]: received interrupt signal

This means that you did not enter a log message...

>and the revision of file isn't changed.=20
>How to commit revision correctly?
>i use WinCVS (Build 3) & cvsnt

The short answer is: don't!

Revision numbers are *internal* cvs data to keep track of the changes
of a file and have no meaning outside CVS itself. The only reason
WinCvs exposes the revisions ia that they can tell you that a change
has been done (by someone else) when you update a file from the
In future versions of CVSNT the revision numbers will all go away and
the book-keeping will be done in another way. So don't mess with these
Already the later versions of CVSNT do not accept the command with a
forced revision number to stop this mis-use of the system.

/Bo Berglund

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