[cvsnt] Re: bug? filename without @

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Fri Jun 3 02:03:49 BST 2005

Calabrone Blu wrote:
> I noticed that cvsnt-2.5.01-1976 doesn't put the 'filename' field between @ 
> in the repository, but cvsnt-2.5.01-1927 does it.
> This is a problem for rlog, that doesn't understand some characters like 
> underscore, and it aborts, causing viewcvs and cvsweb stop working.

You can't use the old RCS rlog with cvsnt repositories.. haven't been 
able to for quite a while actually.  There is a replacement rlog.exe in 
the cvsnt installer for old versions of viewcvs (not installed by 
default IIRC) - viewcvs itself has been calling cvsnt directly for a 
while so upgrading to a recent version will sort out that.


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