[cvsnt] Loginfo error in 2.5.01 build 1986

Gill Ernst Ernst.Gill at sat-automation.com
Mon Jun 6 09:24:21 BST 2005


I found an error in CVSNT 2.5.01 build 1986 Server and Client.

If the loginfo files contains following entries:

^Test1	dgcvsnotify loginfo;"%r" "%{sVv}" "$USER"
^Test1	%R/CVSNTADMIN/bin/app-log.bat %R/CVSNTADMIN/log/test1-log
""%{sVv}"" "$USER"

The second entry and following entries with the same name are
not executed (first one sends a mail, second one writes a logfile).
This was working with 2.5.01 build 1927 (versions in between not

Here are the last few lines of a commit trace:

13:20:33:   -> run loginfo trigger
13:20:33:   -> run_trigger()
13:20:33:   -> Call pre-loaded 'default_trigger'
13:20:33:   -> default_trigger: parse_info(CVSROOT/loginfo,,%<< Update
of %r/%p\
nIn directory %H:%P\n\nModified Files:\n\tcrc32.c \nLog Message:\n%m
13:20:33:   -> Regexp match: DEFAULT - Test1
13:20:33:   -> Regexp match: ^CVSROOT - Test1
13:20:33:   -> Regexp match: ^CVSROOT - Test1
13:20:33:   -> Regexp match: ^Test1 - Test1
13:20:33:   -> Match found!
13:20:33:   -> parse_info_line: Line=dgcvsnotify loginfo;"%r" "%{sVv}"
"$USER" %
<< Update of %r/%p\nIn directory %H:%P\n\nModified Files:\n\tcrc32.c
\nLog Messa

13:20:33:   -> Run arguments: dgcvsnotify loginfo;"C:/CVSNT/sw-aut"
""Test1 crc3
2.c,1.18,1.19"" "Administrator"
13:20:33:   -> CreateProcess((null),dgcvsnotify loginfo;C:/CVSNT/sw-aut
Test1 cr
c32.c,1.18,1.19 Administrator)
13:20:34:   -> Regexp match: ^Test1 - Test1
13:20:34:   -> fileattr_write()
13:20:34:   -> fileattr_free()
13:20:34:   -> rename(CVS/Entries.Backup,CVS/Entries)
13:20:34:   -> wnt_rename(CVS/Entries.Backup,CVS/Entries)
13:20:34:   -> rename(CVS/Entries.Extra.Backup,CVS/Entries.Extra)
13:20:34:   -> wnt_rename(CVS/Entries.Extra.Backup,CVS/Entries.Extra)
13:20:34:   -> unlink_file(CVS/Entries.Log)
13:20:34:   -> unlink_file(CVS/Entries.Extra.Log)
13:20:34:   -> close_directory()
13:20:34:   -> run postcommand trigger
13:20:34:   -> run_trigger()
13:20:34:   -> Call pre-loaded 'default_trigger'
13:20:34:   -> postcommand_proc()
13:20:34:   -> default_trigger:
13:20:34:   -> default_trigger: no file
13:20:34:   -> default_trigger: parse_info(CVSROOT/postcommand,%r/%p
13:20:34:   -> Unloading default_trigger

As you could see the first line of loginfo is executed as expected.
For the second line only '13:20:34:   -> Regexp match: ^Test1 - Test1' I
in trace, but not '-> Match found!' and the loginfo entry is not

A bug or a new feature ?

There are also some problems with loginfo parameters given to commands.
At least there is some strange behavior for add directory (or wrong
I have to investigate this a little bit more.


Ernst Gill

Ruthnergasse 1
A-1210 Wien, Austria

Phone: (+43/1) 29129 4338
Fax: (+43/1) 29 28 838 or (+43/1) 29129 4649
e-mail: ernst.gill at sat-automation.com
Internet: http://www.sat-automation.com

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